Art class at Mt. View Park included drawing, so I bought some Prismacolor pencils and a pad of drawing paper and struck out on the path to find a suitable subject. At the library, I found a book of Andrew Wyeth's painting of a neighbor, Helga. This is a reproduction of one of his paintings in which she is fully clothed; most were nudes. As I remember it, Mr. Wyeth kept the paintings from his wife for quite a while; she did find them out and there was some talk of an affair, but I don't remember the details. Anyway, here is Helga as reproduced in colored pencil - done in 1992.
Well, I'm happy to say I'm the proud owner of many of your paintings and slowly they are all getting framed. They will certainly make the new basement walls very decorative and I'm excited to do "themes" on different walls.
It's nice to know that my paintings are available in basements across the country. Daughter Chris has several in her downstairs powder room.
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