09 April 2007


Rick Watson, at his Life 101 blog - http://dorahighschoolalumni.blogspot.com, wrote about Hummingbirds, so I thought I would show you all a photo of one of our four feeders, with a hungry visitor. We have four of these feeders, and it keeps me busy filling them. Three birds can feed at the same time. Mostly, we have Anna's Hummingbirds; the males have a bright red head when the light hits them, otherwise it looks black.


Rick Watson said...

Hey Grandpappy. I'm just now getting caught up on my blog reading. Thanks for the plug. Your artwork blows me away. I took some time a while back to go through your blog properly and I was amazed, even with your "early" work.
Keep up the good work.
BTW I saw an Eastern Bluebird on my back deck a while ago. These are tiny "electric blue" birds. By the time I fetched my camera he had flown away.

Ronabear41 said...

I like the feeder. Can't wait to get ours hung up but it's going to be awhile with the weather we're having.